السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته أخواتي I begin by expressing my eternal gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala who enabled me to take this course and improve my Tajweed as a means of drawing a step closer to His book. Secondly. I'm grateful to all my lovely sisters affiliated with this Academy for offering this course at no charge and allowing sisters like me to sign up for it. I cannot begin to put my feelings into words for learning Tajweed especially since I used to practice via YouTube videos and wasn't getting anywhere. There was a huge guilt that was weighing my heart down for not making any visible efforts into learning Tajweed and SubhanAllah. Allah presented the opportunity to me at the perfect time. Alhamdulillah. I genuinely loved studying with our sweet and kind @Rafiqa and my fellow sisters. What adds to my joy is the fact that I would be able to apply this knowledge during Ramadan and try to recite the Qur'an properly even if I don't reach the perfection yet. InshaAllah. I wouldn't have thought that until previous Ramadan when my pronunciation was poor. I would get this far by the next Ramadan, SubhanAllah. I want to express my humble gratitude to Ustadha Rafeeqa for bearing patience with us over our delays in submissions or answering our confusions at all times. I'm glad that this was a comprehensive course and yet we went through it with ease provided by Allah. I ask my Creator to preserve this knowledge